Writing Effective Bylaws
All chapters are required to have local bylaws which amplify sections of the NHS and NJHS Constitutions and outline local procedure. Sample bylaws are provided in the Adviser Resource Center, and the following tips can assist you in drafting new or updating current bylaws:
Clearly outline your chapter’s selection process, and ensure that process complies with National Honor Society policies.
Each chapter is required to provide due process for members. Refer to the sample bylaws provided in the Adviser Resource Center for guidance in drafting your due process requirements. Using your school’s code of student conduct as a reference, take time to define and prohibit certain infractions for your members.
Does your chapter elect officers? If so, the method of officer elections and their duties should be decided by the members, and the bylaws should include the process for removing officers and/or filling vacancies.
As the second semester kicks off, take time to review your current bylaws and make note of any changes that may be needed for the next school year.