National Student Leadership Week Coming

Your complete rundown of NHS and NJHS news and activities.   Display issues? View this email online.  





National Student Leadership Week Coming

“Make Your Mark on the World: Dream. Lead. Serve.” is the 2018 theme of National Student Leadership Week (NSLW), April 15–21. Celebrate your school’s student leaders! Find activity ideas, outreach resources, ways to promote the week, and a social media toolkit. Visit the NSLW webpages »


NSLW Features #OurDream18 Contest

Does your chapter have a project in mind to help a favorite cause but lack funding to do it? This year’s National Student Leadership Week has a contest to help. Give us your pitch in #OurDream18, a contest with a chance to win $250 to finance that project. Enter now through April 30. Get contest details »


Impact of Global Citizenship Initiative Reported

You made a difference! Chapters made a significant impact through the first year of NASSP’s student leadership initiative on global citizenship. A report, including adviser and principal reflections, exemplary projects, and ways for chapters to continue their work, has been released. Read the report here »


Webinar on College Search

Are your members and their parents thinking about college options? “Getting Started with Your College Search” is a free NHS/NJHS webinar on April 18. Students can register to watch live or to get a link to the recording. Share this link with students »



This Is National Assistant Principals Week

How can you recognize all that your assistant principals (APs) do to contribute to student success? Join NASSP, April 9–13, in honoring your APs. Encourage your chapter to choose an activity and use #APWeek18 when sharing on social media. Get AP Week celebration ideas »


Are Your Students #Futuready?

Five modules in the #Futuready suite of visual guides and videos are now available for your use. Share them with other teachers and your students too. Each installment focuses on a noncognitive or “soft” skill vital to college and career success. Explore the series »


Time to Renew

Annual renewal invoices have been sent to school principals. As an adviser, you can renew online via e-check or credit card. It’s quicker and easier! Renew before June 30 for a seamless transition to next school year. NHS Renewal » NJHS Renewal »




Here are some current discussions in the community:
“It’s that time of year where new officers are elected and bylaws are reviewed. In preparation for this, I would love to know what different chapters consider as being in good standing? How many service hours are required yearly? Are there any specific rules for them (NHS hours vs. outside hours)? Do they need to participate in fundraisers? Are meetings mandatory?”

“Every year we do something creative for the teachers. However, this year we are stuck. It will be here before we know it so [we] want to get started soon. Any ideas or suggestions of teacher appreciation gifts or activities?”

Log in here to join conversations going on right now in the Adviser Online Community.




Have you checked out the National Student Project Database? As you plan your 2018–19 chapter projects, you’ll find this to be an excellent resource filled with more than 7,300 projects completed by Honor Society chapters and student councils. Many entries include promotional material and photos to help guide your planning. Browse the National Student Project Database on the NHS and NJHS websites for ideas from other schools and be sure to submit your own successfully completed projects!

 National Student Project Database


Honor Society Tips and Tools

Q: How do I share information with my members to promote NHS and NJHS programming?
A: On the NHS and NJHS websites, the Adviser Resource Center contains several helpful options to help you promote national programming. Under the “Publicizing NHS/NJHS Programs & Services” tile, for example, you will find a sample student-directed email, take-home flyer, and sample social media posts you can use on your channels to promote this month’s college admission planning webinar “Getting Started with Your College Search.”
Visit the NHS Adviser Resource Center »
Visit the NJHS Adviser Resource Center »

Important Dates


Renewal notices sent to advisers and principals

NJHS Outstanding Achievement Award winners notified

Annual adviser survey open

9–13 NASSP’s National Assistant Principals Week

15 Kyker State Association Service Project Award program application deadline

15–21 National Student Leadership Week

18 “Getting Started with Your College Search” college admission planning webinar


NHS Scholarship winners notified


30 Affiliation renewal due

30 Annual adviser survey closes

What’s in Store

Did you know your students can shop online in their very own Honor Society Family Store? It’s a great place for relatives to browse for gifts for the upcoming graduation and promotion season. The store offers truly one-of-a-kind merchandise simply not available via any other retailer or e-tailer. Suggest your students and their relatives visit

In The Latest Advise

Advise magazine cover


The April/May edition of Advise includes “Participation Station,” a centerfold section written especially for your students. The focus is on career success. For students who are wondering how to turn their volunteerism into a career, suggest they read “From Compassion to Action.” Pull out the entire centerfold to share with your students. Read the complete issue online here.

Tell us your story! If you’d like to contribute an article to Advise, view the editorial calendar and send your ideas to [email protected].

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