Chat Room

NHS and NJHS have built a place online where students can choose between five modules to get #Futuready. Whether students are looking for advice on goal setting, time management, self-management, or career exploration, the Honor Societies have their future covered. Students will even find videos and resources to help them ace future interviews. Check out the #Futuready pages on the NHS and NJHS websites, and be sure to follow #Futuready on social media!




The #OurDream18 contest during National Student Leadership Week was a smashing success. From bike rodeos to campus clean-ups, our $250 awards will be well spent on projects to support causes students care about. Check out #OurDream18 on social media to get inspired by the creative ideas that were sent our way.





Numerous students nationwide participated in well-informed walkouts this spring in hopes of inciting meaningful change. One such walkout of note was on April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre. #NationalSchoolWalkout and #NationalWalkoutDay documented the protests and focused our nation’s dialogue surrounding gun violence in schools amidst the voices of countless student leaders and change-makers.




The next wave of craze is upon us! The end of this month brings the National Student Council Conference to Wayzata High School in Plymouth, MN, June 25–27. We can’t wait to see everyone at this year’s National Student Council Conference, rolling up their sleeves and contributing to the frenzy. If you missed the boat this year, follow all the fun and engagement online by searching for #StuCoMania.




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