Renewal Reminder

Your complete rundown of NHS and NJHS news and activities.   Display issues? View this email online.  


Have a great summer! This is the last issue of Honor Society News for this academic year. We will resume publication in August. Thanks for all you do to make your chapter a gratifying experience for your student members.




Adviser Survey

The annual NHS and NJHS adviser surveys are live! Please complete the survey by June 30. After completing the survey, you will receive a code for 20 percent off online purchases in the NHS Store and NJHS Store between June 15 and August 15, 2018.


Renewal Reminder

Reminder: Annual affiliation renewal is due by June 30. Renew your NHS and NJHS memberships today.


LEAD Orlando Registration Opening

The 2018–19 LEAD conference season begins with LEAD Orlando. Registration opens on June 4. Energize your—and your students’—leadership and register for the event.


Write for Advise

Are you interested in contributing to NASSP publications? Consider writing for Advise over the summer. Send story/topic ideas or request submission guidelines by emailing [email protected].



Outstanding Service Project Applications

Did one of your chapter’s projects have a major impact this year? Consider applying for an Outstanding Service Project award. Applications for the NHS and NJHS awards will be available on July 1.



NHS Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to Jenny Rodriguez of Orange High School, in Orange, NJ! She has been selected as the 2018 NHS Scholarship National Winner; she is among 500 NHS senior members to be awarded an NHS Scholarship in 2017–18. Learn more.




Here are some current discussions in the community:
How do you handle students who don’t include required information on the candidate form and then when they don’t get selected, they say that they did have it, they just forgot to include it/get it signed/provide documentation? Do you allow them to appeal and then provide the documentation? What circumstances do you allow for an appeal? If you have an appeals process, could you share it?

Dear fellow advisers: I received an email from the parent of a senior who is on home and hospital leave. He hasn’t had a chance to complete his service hours due to illness. Can he still walk with the stole, and be considered a full member with an extension into the summer to complete his service hours? Have any of you had this situation? Please advise! Thanks

Join conversations going on right now in the Adviser Online Community.




Have you checked out the National Student Project Database? As you plan your 2018–19 chapter projects, you’ll find this to be an excellent resource filled with more than 7,000 projects completed by Honor Society chapters and student councils. Many entries include promotional material and photos to help guide your planning. Browse the National Student Project Database on the NHS and NJHS websites for ideas from other schools and be sure to submit your own successfully completed projects!

 National Student Project Database


Honor Society Tips and Tools

Will you be turning over adviser duties to a new adviser next year? Is your school getting a new principal? Keep us posted about any transitions with your chapter leadership or school administration. Complete the online Adviser/Principal Change Form on the NHS or NJHS websites.

Important Dates


4 LEAD Orlando registration opens

30 Affiliation renewal due

30 Annual adviser survey closes


 Outstanding Service Project Award application opens

What’s in Store

Have you completed the annual adviser survey? It’s your key to savings! Once you’ve submitted your survey, you’ll get a promo code for 20 percent off online purchases from the NHS or NJHS store. Use the code from June 15 to August 15 and get what you need for the new year—pins, membership cards, T-shirts, and more. Find a link to the survey on the NHS and NJHS home page.

In The Latest Advise

Advise magazine cover


Looking for ways to make your chapter more inclusive? The June issue of Advise includes an article with stories and best practices from chapters and councils that have had success bringing kids from different cultures together. Plus, get to know the new director of the National Honor Societies, Nara Lee. Read the whole issue online.

Tell us your story! If you’d like to contribute an article to Advise, email [email protected] for submission guidelines and the latest editorial calendar.

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