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April 2018 NHS/NJHS Webinar—”Getting Started with Your College Search”


Parents and students—don’t forget to register for the @NHSandNJHS Fall webinar series starting Wed. Sept 26, 7-8 p.m #Prep4College #Futuready

Starting your college or scholarship applications? Tune in to the NHS & NJHS college planning webinar series starting, Sept 26 for valuable tips. Register now. #Prep4College #Futuready

@NHSandNJHS will host a webinar series starting on Sept 26. Topics covered will include tips on applying to college, completing scholarship applications (including the NHS Scholarship!), and financial aid. If you’re just getting started or you’ve started and have questions, register now. #Prep4College #Futuready


Register now for @nhs_njhs’s college planning webinar series Parents welcome! #Prep4College

Students—register now for the @nhs_njhs college planning webinar series to learn about starting your college planning: #Prep4College #Futuready

Your college prep starts here hosted by @nhs_njhs. Register now! #Prep4College #Futuready


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Need help starting your prep for college? We’ve got you covered. Register for the @nhs_njhs webinar series starting Sept 26 for a comprehensive guide to the entire process. Link in bio. #Prep4College #Futuready

Parents and students—don’t forget to register for the @nhs_njhs webinar series starting Wednesday, Sept 26. It will cover tips on applying to college, completing scholarship applications (including the NHS Scholarship!), and financial aid. Link in bio. #Prep4College #Futuready

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